Money Mindset Quiz

Take our quiz to learn how you think about money, what you know about personal finances, and how confident you are in your financial future. Find answers to questions like:

How much do you know about your money?

How much do you want to know?

Our Money Mindset Quiz asks you the following questions and bases your results on how strongly you feel about each answer:

Do you have time for research and planning?

Do you struggle to get your finances in order?

Do you feel like your financial struggles won't go away?

Do you know how to get your finances in order?

Do you find it challenging to save for major purchases?

Do you have enough savings to cover an emergency?

Do you know how much money is in your bank account?

Do you have a plan to tackle your debt?

Do you think you'll be any more confident about your finances in the future?

Did your parents speak to you about finances?

The quiz takes about one minute to complete, and your results will be emailed to you afterwards.